Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Circle in Four Thoughts

Our language described a thought
and even this simplest of thoughts
accomplished two things:
It defined a difference
between the arbitrary and the random
and it formulated
a clear determination of our Will.
Through this initial fundamental thought
we made the bodies.

Once this first step had been taken,
we stored what we had made
into something we called memory.
First the event of creation
and then its memory,
a fading image
already distorted from the start.

We came to understand that
out thoughts would never be clear.
We would forever resort
to metonymy, analogy, simile, metaphor.
We would subtly find a way
to trap the future
through the forms of our past.
It was through this new thought
that we put our minds into them.

We became them,
they became us.

A third unknown thought ensured
that this procedure would never be stored.
We made sure that it was forgotten,
even by us,
as if it had never transpired.
Through this repeated thought
we were able to operate them
the bodies we had created
without them knowing it was us.
Without us knowing who we were.
Without us knowing how it started.

Our present state of forgetting
was thus ordered by a single thought,
a simple secret of our own making.

The final thought predicted
what they would do
based on what we had done.
They would follow the same steps.
They would arrive at the same results.

This endless circle would negate everything,
but it could not negate itself.
It was through the circle itself
that we continued,
unaware of our own immortality.

An empty shape was forever left behind
a thought without presence
a word without sound
a subtle reminder
of what we once were,
of what we would soon become.