Friday, November 29, 2024

A Chance Encounter

 Whatever I have ever thought, said or written, however clear or coherent it may have seemed at the time, however complete and final it may have appeared to me, there are always some things left unsaid, gaps, omissions, there are always some questions left dangling, stragglers inhabiting the edges of my thoughts. I woke up one morning and I noticed that something was different but I couldn’t quite define it… for a space of a few hours, I felt the utter strangeness of it all, everything, my entire experience of existence, my entire course through reality… it wasn’t any one thing in particular but all of it; sleeping every night and waking up every day after seeing strange visions during the night, full of colors and desire and terror and nostalgia, strange visions that would fade in the morning without any clear explanation; time itself moving forward in only one direction, leaving no possible way of turning back, no way to visit those other spaces that were left behind, a trail of frozen images that would slowly fade to black and never recover their living presence; the fact that we walk and live on a floating sphere of mud rocks and water, hanging freely in empty space and slowly circling around a huge ball of fire; the strangeness of seeing her again, after so many years of silence, so many years of open questions and aimless wondering without reply… all of it so strange, so utterly incomprehensible, so close to me and yet so far from my mind’s grasp. I remember, at one time not too long ago, I was desperate to maintain some kind of control, desperate to retain my ambiguous position as a wise old leader, the one who knows, the one who can say the right things at the right time, desperate to maintain the form of my world as I knew it, as I had come to know it… A singular void was generated within me by our unexpected break, a pulsating hole of pure nothingness, a heavy darkness formed around me, a darkness produced not only by a lack of basic meaning but by a lack of a clear identity, a clear sense of who I am or who I’m supposed to be for others… In the throes of that void, I was also faced with the absolute humiliation of being left behind, I was about to become an experience in time that can never be recovered, a world that was once breathing and alive and was now left to rot and decompose in the unforgiving twilight of forgetfulness, away from the eyes of those who once cared for it, away from the hands that once brought it to life… A strange incomprehensible power forced her to move away, to break the bonds that held us together, it was something I tried to understand but I failed miserably at putting the pieces together in a way that made sense to me… maybe it was precisely the same power that now brought her back to me, here on the streets of Walnut Creek, on an ordinary afternoon that could have been any other afternoon or could have simply never happened… As soon as I saw her walking towards me I felt a clear invitation to open up once more, to let my heart cut itself in half and allow this strange other energy to slide inside of me, to become one with it, to embrace it as my own… Whatever I may have thought once, whatever I once said or wrote about her decision to leave, about the many mistakes that may have led up to it, about the things I didn’t do which I could have done, the things I did do which should have never happened, however clear or coherent it all may have seemed at the time, there were too many questions unexplored, there were too many things left unsaid, and now there was no way to say them, no way to bring them back… For years I expressed my ambiguous truths through tentative actions, bursts of free creation and careful construction based on an ongoing purposeful interaction with the shifting shadows, long texts full of self-referential spirals, music tracks full of hidden sources, covert references and magical secret foundations… At one point, I saw that multiplicity and nothingness were one and the same and they were an endless source of fresh renewal; as the whole is subdivided it approaches the void and the darkness descends upon the one who watches, a welcoming absence from the pressures of existence… When she left, I faced the utter contingency that stands at the very limit of my perception, the unexpected fall that is the most sacred gift of all, if not the most wanted, if not the most feared… when she said my own words back to me, with an aura of finality and full understanding, when she said exactly what I had expected to hear so many times through the years, everything changed; I could feel the world itself floating away from me, miles of distance with every syllable that came out of her mouth; the multiple slipped in through the open door, the chaos, the random, the unknowable, and I dived straight into it, into the oceanic depths of the unreachable white goddess of the night, the shining feminine figure that guards the mystery of the shadows… once it all came into me, things couldn't go back to where they were, time had moved on and the old space, even if it had not disappeared completely, it was now completely inaccessible, occluded, forbidden… When I met her on the street the other day, she said that she believed that something was molding her now, something powerful and methodical and all knowing, something clearly supernatural and invisible; I listened carefully to what she described, taking in every word; and as I listened, I sincerely hoped that all that she was saying was true and that there really was something out there shaping her inner form from within, a secret spiritual artisan that had emerged from the beyond, but I felt deeply nervous while I was standing there listening to her seemingly endless stream of thoughts and descriptions, I was nervous that she was completely losing her mind, that she was losing her sense of self to the most ever-present nothingness that continually spirals all around us, relentless, merciless, infinite; an offer and a menace, a kiss and a threat… I thought of saying something to her, doing something to help her, to protect her, to warn her but then I felt something else, clear and strong and insistent: let randomness decide, let chaos choose the path, I just need to step out of the way, I just need to let it happen…  My most precious gift is my silence, my hands are most useful when I let other hands decide… Events and things and ideas don't mean something distinct in themselves but only as part of a particular sequence, a chain of cause and effect, a moving train of form, motifs, cadences and resolutions… When I met her on the street, she covered her face and she started to cry, thick tears ran down her cheeks as she stared at me smiling, as if she remembered all that I remembered (years of memories concentrated on a single furtive glimpse…) She gazed deeply into me as if she wished to go back, as if we could… We both knew it was a response to something that happened right before, something I said or didn’t say, standing there mesmerized by the shock of her sudden presence, anything further I could add would only inspire further reactions so I remained silent, waiting to hear what she would say next… After some time had passed, I asked her what was happening with her these days and she said: “no… it doesn’t matter what’s happening with me, this is not about me, it’s really about you - the you I used to know, I believe that you would be mad at me right now, you would be furious… I believe you know about the things I’ve said, the things I’ve thought…” And I felt it all clearly and forcefully; she was ashamed of all her incongruent thoughts, her strange sequences of ideas that went nowhere but resulted in a final anticipated closing of doors; I thought of saying something but I decided to stay quiet, let chaos decide, let the goddess step in and do what she must, my lack of action would become my most creative response… “I have continually tried to express the truth as I understand it but I can only do it through unconscious actions - all these things that have happened, they don't mean anything in themselves, they can only come together as elements of a particular message.”  When she said to me what she said back then, it made everything change, it was something irreversible, unreachable, frozen in time, an insurmountable barrier. I was so sad, so angry when it happened, I was probably reacting to the loss of all that came before and my late reactions at that time would inspire further uncontrolled responses in her, a chain reaction of anger, sadness and denial, an unstoppable downward spiral; things would never be the same, what once was would soon be unrecognizable, what had once been our daily life would become as unreachable as a distant star, something seen in deep darkness from a million miles away… Sublime radically unstable pleasure is an experience of the utter impossibility of common human experience, the absolute strangeness of all of it,  an intuition of that part of the self that exceeds consciousness and identity, pleasure beyond all bounds, beyond fear and awareness of time, eternity come and gone in the wink of an eye…  During my unexpected fall from the comfort of my own private sanctuary, I experienced a deep encounter with many shades of multiplicity and nothingness followed by a shocking realization that they are both the same, this has always been true; it just takes a moment of radical pain to finally see it clearly (and once you see it, you can never again forget…) When I ran into her on the streets of Walnut Creek and we started talking as if nothing had ever happened, as if we were two old friends that run into each other every once in a while, and share superficial news and recent events, she told me about a dream she’d had recently, a dream she wrote down just as I had always asked her to do; in her dream we were together as we once had been and we lived in a house surrounded by hills covered in green grass; she came into my room in the middle of the night and laid next to me pressing her body against me, I kissed her and she kissed me back and then she told me that it had become clear to her that we should focus on the girl she once was - we should return to that basic work we had once started together, that was the main thing we needed to do; we had added too many layers through the years, too many side projects, too many elements and sequences and tools, let’s get back to the most simple, the most basic, to that one girl standing in front of a tiny park in a forgotten little suburb of a forgotten little California town, that girl crying about a past she could only barely remember… Standing on the street with me, she talked about our old magical work together, how we learned to project our minds across space and time and flowed together through midnight dream currents to distant realms of wonder; she insisted that that is what we needed to do now, we could change the past while retaining our knowledge of the future and we could get back to basics, to the most simple goals we ever had, we would achieve this sudden shift by means of a self-immolating failure of surrender to the future; we would refuse to accept this future where we found ourselves and we would suddenly find ourselves deep in the past that we should never have left, that was still there waiting for us to give it back its proper life… All this had happened to me before this afternoon or it seemed like it, this conversation, this proposal, this voice coming from a girl I met on the sidewalk… I would find myself talking to someone I used to know, someone I had been close to, someone I loved more than I thought it was possible to love, I would find myself opening up to them again, opening to something brand new that was about to happen, and everything was going well, flowing, perfect, beautiful and then this horrible thing would come out... something dark, heavy, monstrous, something unwholesome and evil. It is that encounter with the utter contingency of the real that is the most sacred experience, the holy jewel among all others, a face to face meeting with the multiplicity, the chaos, the random, with the oceanic sense of the goddess - there is nothing that can be more valuable than that, nothing that can possibly surpass it; we must search for it, even if it comes wrapped in a fearsome skin; beneath glowing red eyes of terror lies the most ever present nothingness, the gift that never ends, never fades, never gets old with age… “The higher up we went,” she said, “the higher we went in the upper dimensions of consciousness and perception, the more structures we broke down, the more beautiful it all became; and the goal of our secret voyages was always unknown, always untouchable, always precious, and we would always find something new, every single time, something fresh, something untouched, in the process of our shared flight, we would always be surprised by the multi-dimensional visions that surrounded us, no matter how many times we had encountered such wondrous things, no matter how many times before we had already woken up to these secret realms…it was always a shock, it was always brand new…” But there’s ultimately an integral part of us that resides within those stable structures, in the colonized and settled diagrams of the norm, of daily habit and programmed work, and that makes us afraid to change them, to hurt them, to destroy them… All our experiences together, from the most magical to the most mundane, didn't mean anything in themselves, they were only true and real as part of a sequence, a distinct step in an infinite path… That night I dreamt that I was hugging her in my bed, in a large house I only barely recognized; I turned around towards her and kissed her on the lips forcefully, I felt an intense overwhelming desire for her, a very deep connection that rose up from the deepest places within me, from the long lost past and from the tantalizing impossible future, it was a reckless desire that transcended all the painful events that separated us… We didn’t do anything more than kiss softly in the dream, lips barely touching lips, breath upon breath, skin upon skin, but I felt it all even more intensely because of its very restraint, because it was all made of pure possibility, a potential outbreak of ultimate pleasure that never surrendered to a climax… My dream that night must have been a response to all that came before and to all that she said on the street when I ran into her; I would let the dream inspire other responses but I wouldn’t seek an answer and I would not break the silence any further, there was a reason for the wall to be there, it was best to leave it untouched, it was best to respect its solid finality… All that I have ever thought, said or written, thousands of journal entries covering decades of memories, observations and ideas, diagrams of thoughts, experiences and dreams, however clear or coherent they may have seemed at the time, the goal of the effort I have put into all of it always remains unknown; I refuse to see it all as pointless, to always leave things unsaid, to always leave questions dangling, no matter how many times an answer is offered, there are always more questions waiting in the wings, whispering mysteries that remain unsolved… “I found your book in a bookstore,” she said standing on the street in front of me, “It was sitting among some poetry newsletters and photocopied pamphlets. At first, I didn’t know what it was, I just knew that I liked it. Then I saw your name and I laughed to myself. We always had a knack for running into each other everywhere. Always at the most unexpected moments, the most serendipitous places. And this book was just like meeting you again for the first time. I always knew that you were looking for a special path in life, something that would distinguish you from all the others… I knew this even before we got together. I had heard what others said about you, what they noticed in you and how it made them feel. I recognized it even if I couldn’t put a name to it. I knew that your path was different from anything I had ever encountered, it was a path full of wonderful and unique people, people that seemed to come straight out of dreams… people that were only partially true and partially invented… people too perfect to be real and yet I wanted to become one of them…” I listened to her closely as she spoke, enjoying the sound of her voice which shocked me as both familiar and completely new; I resisted the impulse to contradict her, over and over I resisted, I didn’t want to argue for the sake of arguing, I refused to have a philosophical discussion at this stage in the game; what would be the point of questioning the methods of composition when the symphony is about to reach its final cadence? She clearly had something to say and the random had given her an audience to direct her energy; I would fulfill my role the best way I knew how, I would allow her to speak freely without any interruptions… Our past was settled, frozen and framed, a vibrant album full of music, recordings, memories, dreams and stories, fixed within a circle of growing nostalgia, untouchable and increasingly remote; our past would not be altered… But I could still listen to her as closely as I ever did; I could still dive into the mystery of her endless theories and questions, there was a reason why I loved her in the first place…  “When I did what I did, I saw a boy that was about to cut himself with a knife - and there was only one thing to do: I had to grab the boy and take the knife away; and later I might try to find out what happened to begin with, what led the boy to do what he was doing - but while the knife was still in his hands, I couldn’t stand there asking ‘what does this boy really want? What is this boy trying to do? Is there a purpose to all of this? Does this boy have a deeper understanding of this purpose than I do?’ You take the knife away and you take the boy to safety, before he cuts himself and bleeds to death. And that is why I did what I did and I can’t say I’m sorry, even if it led to our indefinite silence, even if it resulted in a pedestrian closure that we both would have once found distasteful…” To me her words were barely comprehensible, they came straight from a twilight language of constructions and renewals, something arcane and remote, a double mirror in a carnival ride, a glimpse into secret thoughts I would never have suspected, a camera out of focus, a scratched record caught in an endless loop… I let her words flow into me, I let them become a part of me, I was there to listen, to listen and to breathe… that’s why I am here, that is my one objective: to breathe - in and out, and to listen… Whatever she said to me that afternoon,  however clear or coherent it may have seemed to her at the time, there were still so many things left unsaid, so many gaps… I could only grasp at the little fragments that fluttered on the margins, charged with a tantalizing possibility of further meanings… In those gaps of silence, I would find my future freedom. In those gaps, I would find a way to understand.

Friday, November 15, 2024

An Afternoon Visit

 There can’t be a purpose to any of this, there can’t be a goal or a clearly marked destination. I take it all in, the darkness, as much as I can allow myself to open up to it, and I hold it… I eventually push it all out and I am left exhausted, empty and yet eager to begin again; each time it sits within me, the darkness, I attempt to transform it, I play with it while it’s passing through me, I attempt to leave a clear mark on its obsidian surface, maybe a small change or maybe a complete revision, a new unexpected variation, but regardless of what I do or what I fail to do, I know there is no ultimate purpose to any of my actions and I have slowly learned to accept that… My sense is that I recurrently begin a huge fire, here in this dark hole where I sit, I set the stage and light the matches but I never see the results of what I have started, it escapes far beyond my sight; I will never be there to see any result, it will have to remain completely unknown and I will keep on starting these fires, one after the other… I notice that there is something that has started to happen when I push the darkness out of me, it seems as if I’m watching a movie, an old black and white movie I have already seen a thousand times, a movie I know inside and out; it’s about a woman, an old psychic witch of some kind sitting in her dining room, and a man that comes to visit her full of questions… I can repeat each line in my head, I can eagerly anticipate each change of scene, but this time it’s different, the film itself has been transformed, I get lost in it as I watch it, I don’t know what will happen next, I take it as it comes, scene by scene, I get lost in its mysterious horizon, I know there’s something out there, still something left to discover, a puzzle waiting to be solved… Sometimes the whole thing gets away from me and I don’t understand how this is possible, how can I be lost in a film I know so well? There are many new scenes that I don’t recognize, places and people I’ve never seen before, everything around the main characters has been completely changed and there are new characters for me to try to understand and strange little creatures of horror, the sound of many voices coming through shifting shadows, I can’t recognize any of it, I can’t understand it at all… I have been pushed out of all my comfortable assumptions, I don’t understand how they changed this simple story I thought I knew so well, this movie… this dream? this memory? what happened? I don’t know who they are but I can feel their presence… I remember… there’s something I needed to find, something I needed to ask, something I needed to remember… I traveled far beyond the limits of the city in order to solve these questions, but in the story I thought I knew, the main character never leaves the city, the city is all there is for him, there’s something ominous about the world beyond the urban limits… I must have given myself permission to go out there, out beyond the scope of my memory, out where I have never been, I have to take it all in, let the strangeness of this new world slip into me, accept that there is no purpose to any of it and there can never be one, it’s the only way I can forget the shadows and become once again the main character in the story… I remember visiting a psychic, an old woman, I had questions about a strange dream I had, I remember giving her my phone number with some hesitation, I remember a few days later I got a call, an invitation, ‘Come eat with me. We can have a good long talk…’ I accepted the invitation and I went to her house late one afternoon, at the hour that she had specified. She welcomed me warmly at her door and I ate the breads and cheese that she served me, I took it all in, it was my first time there, a very small house in the middle of a vast empty field, open grassland, mountains in the distance, the sound of a river not too far away, birdsong in the air, the wind rustling the grass and the leaves… It was surprising to me that such a place could exist so close to the city I knew so well, here in this bucolic paradise I could believe that the city was a strange futuristic nightmare that had never existed, could never exist… As the evening progressed and we talked more and more, a sudden realization came over me: ‘She sees herself as a true subject, an inherently distinct individual with a very defined point of view, but she is not completely aware of me as a person. I am more like something she can play with for a while. A toy to use and then disregard.’ When I came back home from my visit with her, I was not feeling well, I started feeling sick during the trip back, sweaty, nauseous, weak; I managed to complete a few more tasks at home but I ended up falling asleep very early and I dreamt about the nature of evil… “Evil is using another subject as a tool, as an object.” It was her voice saying it in my dreams, speaking loudly, clearly, I felt her voice all around me, it came with the presence of something painful, something heavy and dark inside of me, I tried to push it all out, I tried to transform it, but it kept on coming, it kept on insisting… “The future is the nightmare of the past,” she said, “take it as it comes, transform it as much as you can and prepare for the consequences…” I didn’t want to let go of my sense of stable reality, I was suddenly terribly frightened of the underlying truth behind her words; there is no purpose to any of it, none of our collective choices, none of my individual goals, regardless of what I want or how I want it to happen, history won’t stop, not even for a moment, time will keep on moving and there will never be a clear purpose, a climactic result will never announce itself as a clear and final goal… I just have to move as if there was one, I have to believe even if only to avoid the absolute darkness of the radical nothingness that lies underneath… I fell asleep one day in the middle of the afternoon and I had a very intense dream that left me in a state of shock; I forced myself to wake up so I could write it all down. Nothing led up to it, nothing had happened earlier that could have inspired it - it came to me from nowhere apparently, a sudden drastic interruption in my daily mental routines… There were many small creatures all around me, tiny little things about three feet tall with huge eyes and smooth heads and tiny little hands that danced around constantly and left thin little trails of light as they moved, they all spoke in a single voice, a kind of telepathic chorus that allowed for a nearly perfectly synchronized speech; they surrounded me from all sides, they held me down tightly and said all as one: "Regardless of your rejections, regardless of your fears and refusals, you're still going in. There’s nothing you can do to stop us. We will put you in the hole and we will keep you in there for as long as is necessary… There’s no longer any need to fight against us, there’s nowhere to run…” I looked at them with a mixture of horror and fascination. ‘They talk about me as if I am an object to be handled, a thing to be placed somewhere until they see fit. They see themselves as subjects, each one of them a true individual, but they don’t see me as a subject. I am just a prisoner, a thing to be moved around, a thing to be held in place’ They carried me over the old dusty wooden floor of the cabin and I tried to struggle but I was absolutely helpless and in their power. “We'll dump you in there... and you won’t come out until we say so… there’s no escape…" They pointed to a small hole in the floor, a dark pit with a single trap door over it, I saw steel chains and thick steel loops meant to secure it tightly once it was closed… These strange little creatures that carried me, they seemed evil to me. ‘But what does that mean? What is evil as a thing in itself? Evil is using another being as a tool, as an object, as a thing.’ I remembered someone saying that to me long ago, I couldn’t place it, I didn’t know who said it but I remembered the words distinctly, the precise concept. They threw me into the dark hole without much resistance, I had little strength left in me, and they immediately closed the trap door, I could hear the steel chains being locked in place above me and I was left alone in the shadows… I heard them speaking as they walked away, so many of them speaking all at once: "In there you will stay and you will experience the worst horror that a living being can experience, the absolute darkness, the eternal void, the true silence, you will be shocked by its infinite absence, over and over endlessly you will be shocked, every time you feel a glimpse of hope the shadows will once again show you otherwise, take it in, push it out, there is no end to it, no help is coming… and this will all keep on going until you finally remember who you are..." Deep in the cold darkness of the hole, I knew it was all up to me; I had to work here even if it wasn’t an ideal moment to do so, I had to work here even if it was the worst possible situation; the process is the process and it never stops unless you let it die, it is up to you to keep it going, it is up to you to give it life, the result doesn’t matter, the desire for a result is the very void you are trying to escape… “The future is the nightmare of the past, an ancient horror is ready to be fulfilled and a new one is about to be discovered…” she said…“Sometimes you don’t want to let go, you don’t want to accept what is coming but whether you want to accept it or not, you are still a son and all sons pay for the sins of their fathers…” she smiled at me with a kind of relaxed self assurance that I found completely disarming. “That is the innermost nature of all history; we that live now are the product of all the many mistakes of those that came before us, history is a long parade of disasters and the wastelands that they leave behind; and history won’t stop, won’t even make a compassionate pause to let you catch a breath, it won’t let you escape, it won’t let you sit still, it won’t let you ignore it…” I looked out the window and I could almost see the world shifting around before me, something was changing and I was changing with it; if I closed my eyes long enough would I even recognize any of it anymore once I opened them again? I was changing as much as the landscape or even more so and I couldn’t keep track of the multiple ongoing mutations. “These magical creatures that you have seen in your dreams… they are known to be intermediary beings, they live above the earth but remain below heaven. You have to learn to work with them even if you are afraid of them, an individual never wants to let go of their fears but the process is the process and your particular future is also the nightmare of your particular past, the history of all humanity, the history of a single human being, it all works in the same way, you are the product of all your previous mistakes, all your previous reversals, and time won’t stop and time is nothing but relentless change, unforgiving, merciless… you will continue to slide into that future that you fear regardless of how much you struggle against it. I am sorry to be the one to tell you but the results you imagined never mattered, this story has already been written and you are not the author, you are not the one in charge…” When I was with her in her little house away from all the noise, away from all the distractions of the city, she made a promise, not to herself but to me, it was at a certain moment during our meeting when everything got very quiet and we just stared at each other for a long time, eyes wide open, focused, calm and direct, time passed by so slowly then as I looked deeply into her eyes and she never looked away, not even for a second… I had noticed that throughout our conversation she wasn’t really responding to what I was saying, it was as if anything I had to say was irrelevant, even when I mentioned the tiny beings in my dreams, she didn’t bat an eye, she didn’t react… I tried to force a response out of her by emphasizing certain words or making exaggerated gestures, maybe I did it simply out of vanity or just for my own secret amusement, to see if I could push her into some kind of reaction, shock or laughter or disgust, but the response never came; she just kept on talking about whatever she was already talking about; if she was making a point, she just kept on adding elements to her argument, if she was telling a story, she just went on to the next turn in the plot, it was up to me to listen or to get lost in her words and lose track of all possible meanings while my attention wandered over her face, her porcelain white skin, her long black hair that fell all the way to her lap… My wish for a response, for a clear indication of mutual communication, eventually disappeared, I focused on letting go of all impulses to make myself heard and I simply listened, letting her talk, focusing on the sound of her words, on the shape of her thoughts, on the music of her presence, the nature of the world as it changed around her… I was quite innocent throughout this whole experience, I didn’t want anything from her, I didn’t have anything to achieve, I had no ultimate goal… “many of these intermediary beings resemble human beings in shape…” she said more than once and suddenly, after many repetitions of the same phrase, it became clear to me what was happening, so clear that I couldn’t understand how I hadn’t seen it before… “There are certain things that we don’t say as we may have to pay for it… modern people are not very forgiving, they reject certain thoughts, certain ideas, and they will punish those who speak them out loud, so we don’t share them, we keep them hidden, we retreat away from the world, we inhabit hermetic worlds of our own, and we accept that we will reside in them for the rest of our life.” I suddenly got the impression that for this one moment, for this one space of intimate clarity, she was not hiding as much as she usually would, she was not completely invisible, she was letting me get a glimpse behind the veil, something I had only vaguely suspected, something I yearned for without knowing what it was that I was missing… By the time everything got quiet and our gazes intertwined, I was completely open, vulnerable, raw, vibrant, I knew what she was doing and I was glad to let her proceed… at that point I had become a willing surface for her subtle unpredictable work… now I can say there’s something or someone molding me, giving me shape, changing me as much as they have changed the entire world that surrounds me, here where I sit in the darkness, here I am molded, changed, transformed; these tiny magical creatures I saw, the ones who trapped me, the ones the witch called intermediary beings, they were intent on changing me in ways I still can’t understand, something subtle, untouchable, impossible to pin down… I’m not in control, I am the product of a process of whimsical creation, playful extrapolations and variations, a musical fantasy derived from a small motif of living consciousness, a magical presence in an ocean of loneliness that never ends; and the entire process itself is about to undergo a radical shift… I fly above the earth in my dreams but something is happening far above me, something I can’t reach, something far beyond my grasp… On the one hand, I have learned something, that much I can say and maybe that is all I can ask for; the next time I encounter her she might be riding a dragon over green hills or she might be covered in a dark cloak in the heart of an old silent forest or she might not be visible at all… but I will still recognize her by the mood that will rise up within me, by the emotions that I now understand come with her presence, the eddies of pure energy that swirl around her, the vibrating spirals of untouchable light… There are some things that we necessarily don’t say, even when we are writing it all down trying to cover every detail, still there are things that we can’t say, not to anyone… Her voice is now the voice of thunder rolling over the plains, for me, her voice is the drone that underlies the wind and the rain and the tiny glitches that emerge within the waves of wild random frequencies that underly our reality, now that I clearly hear it, now that I have heard it, I can’t share what she says, I have to keep it hidden… I get the impression that something has happened, something has changed so completely that I can’t even remember how I was before, who I was… that one time I went to see her, when she asked me to come eat at her little home away from the city, she didn’t hide enough, she didn’t make enough of an effort, and in the process of revealing herself, she forced something in me to awaken, she was too open with what she was doing, too careless, reckless, playful… or maybe it was her from the beginning, maybe she was the one molding me all along; I was only a particular project, a little process which she completed on that afternoon, a process that started long before I had an inkling of what was happening, long before I was born… If that is the case then I am the product of a very long story and I am a continuation of that story as well, I am not the ultimate result, I am not the final purpose, I am not the end, I am just another step that has somehow become conscious of itself as a step and now hurtles forward into an unknown future… Take it in, the darkness, hold it, let it shift and mutate inside of you, when you’ve done enough, push it out and let it dance before you, look at it… Can you see it? It’s now alive with infinite colors…